
Osser Brosoft AB delivers IT solutions to small and medium-sized enterprises primarily in the Stockholm area. We work together with you to find the best solutions for your specific environment. Since our inception in 1993, we have worked with the three leading platforms on the market: Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. With over 30 years of experience in the IT industry and expertise from sectors such as baking, finance, manufacturing, advertising, printing, and logistics, we have a solid foundation to help you find the right solution. We operate under a concept where we provide a comprehensive solution that includes hardware, software, and consulting services. This allows us to offer you the best possible support. In addition to consultations and products, we can also offer our clients space on our own web hosting service, where we provide top-notch support.

We deliver solutions for:

  • Servers (Windows, Linux, and OS X)
  • Clients (Windows, Linux, and OS X)
  • Virtualization
  • Server hosting
  • Security and availability
  • Networking
  • Printers
  • IP telephony
  • Web development
  • Platform integration

We also assist in planning for future needs and maintaining your IT environment. Please feel free to contact us to discuss how we can work together to find the best IT solution for you.